Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pictures At Last

Finally, I have successfully loaded a picture. This is inside Dr. Huminski's workshop. The picture was taken in November I believe. Here, you can see part of the carcass of the desk. It is laying on the back two legs. On top are the two front legs with the bottom draw rail between them. The side draw rails can also be seen connecting the back and front legs. A few pieces have been added since this picture was taken and other pieces have also been prepared to attach soon. When I left the workshop on Sunday, Dr. Huminski told me we would begin gluing either next week or the week after. Right now, none of the pieces have been glued together. 


  1. Pictures are worth a thousand words... keep up the good work! Dr. B

  2. You are on a roll! Keep them coming!! Wonder what woodworkers did before Elmers???
