Friday, January 28, 2011

Working With Mistakes

On Sunday, I made my first significant mistake. I was cutting a mortise into a piece of wood and I did not properly center the cut. Dr. Huminski realized the mistake after it had been made. I had two choices. I could either increase the size of the mortise by one inch or I could scrap the piece of wood and start over. This piece of wood had already been fitted in an exact spot and held a second mortise for a different joint. For this reason, I decided that it would be too time consuming and impractical to start over with this piece of wood. Instead, I made the mortise and inch longer to center it. This will mean that the foot rest of the desk must be an inch wider. The only effect this has is not allowing a chair to be pushed under the desk quite so far. I am glad that I was able to work with my mistake and that it did not cause too much harm.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pictures At Last

Finally, I have successfully loaded a picture. This is inside Dr. Huminski's workshop. The picture was taken in November I believe. Here, you can see part of the carcass of the desk. It is laying on the back two legs. On top are the two front legs with the bottom draw rail between them. The side draw rails can also be seen connecting the back and front legs. A few pieces have been added since this picture was taken and other pieces have also been prepared to attach soon. When I left the workshop on Sunday, Dr. Huminski told me we would begin gluing either next week or the week after. Right now, none of the pieces have been glued together. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ready to Get Back to Work

It has been a long time since I worked on my desk and I am ready to get back to work. I finished creating a timeline yesterday and I am now ready to work towards fulfilling it. By the end of January, I hope to finished with the carcass and begin putting in drawers and side and backboards in February and March. The end of March will be spent completing finishing touches as well as sanding and varnishing. I really think that it will be possible and very likely to finish the carcass before January is over. This would give me a pleasant head start on filling in the carcass with draws and boards.