Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seeing Beneath the Surface

Since the pictures are suddenly working excellently, I thought I would show some from the beginning of my project. This picture was taken the first or second time I worked with Dr. Huminski. It is the planing stage. The darker piece of wood is what every piece looked like when we first picked them out. Right beside the dark piece, you can see wood that is in the process of being planed. The yellow machine in the back of the picture is the planer. We slid the wood through the planer numerous times and the saw inside of the machine slowly smoothed out the wood. The best part of this stage was watching as the rough, splintery wood turned smooth. By taking off the rough outer surface, beautiful patterns in the wood were revealed beneath.


  1. So cool!!!
    By the way, I don't remember if I told you but I was not in town on Sun afternoon so I couldn't observe you at work- will reschedule!!

  2. The first time I saw "planing" I thought you meant planning. Whoops.

    How much time do you spend doing this on the weekends? Can you feel an impact on your "normal" life? (Feel free to answer in person if you feel like answering, because I would probably forget to check here.)
