Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research Paper Thesis

On Saturday, I will continue my work with Dr. Huminski. The glue on the front legs will definitely be dry by now and I am anxious to see how they look. Before leaving our last session, Dr. Huminski told me to research mortise and tenon techniques in woodworking to prepare for the next session. I have begun that research and found that this technique is used in joining two pieces of wood using a square hole. I will report more of what I learn about this technique next week. 
I have revised my thesis for my research paper: Due to their scientific, historical, and intrinsic values, The United States Congress and Forest Service need to take a more active role in protecting our nation's old growth forests by more strictly limiting logging in these areas and eventually halting all logging in old growth forests. So far, I have been reading both articles and books on this subject. I have also been trying to contact a forest ranger in Pisgah National Forest because I am hoping to narrow my research to this national park. So far, I have not been able to contact an official ranger, but I will continue calling.


  1. I think you have touched on an interesting topic! I can't wait to read it.
    Concerning your thesis, consider removing the word "more" from the sentence. When you put more in it immediately begs the question of "more than what"?- more active than what? and more strictly than what? I think the thesis will be stronger without it in there at all.

  2. I agree - you can probably make the first part into a separate sentence "Due to their scientific, historical, and intrinsic values," and leave the next part as the thesis - "The United States Congress and Forest Service need to take an active role in protecting our nation's old growth forests by more strictly limiting logging, eventually halting all logging in old growth forests." You just need to prove the 'why' of this statement? Why does the government need to do this? You'll have to show the down side of current policies and the upside to more government control. Good luck! Dr. B
