Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things Are Looking Better

Well, I have found a carpenter and mentor to work with. Mr. Huminski will be working with me this year. Initially, I was not really considering him as an option because Brendan worked with him last year and I felt that I needed to set my project apart from his. However, I feel now that I can personalize my project through the product I create and the different style and type of wood I will be using.
The due date for the proposal was drawing very near and still no carpenter would agree to work with me. So I decided to call Mr. Huminski. We met in his work space which I was very impressed with. He showed me some of the pieces he had built and I told him my goal to build a Drop Front Style Writing Desk. He was excited about this idea which increased my enthusiasm for the project. Mr. Huminski has a true passion and love for woodworking and this attitude has already helped to ease some of the doubts that I began having about this project.


  1. Charlotte,
    I like your project. After reading your post I feel better about your mentor. I was worried about it being too close to Brendan's idea. But, your desk is an entirely different finished product.
    I didn't know you were interested in carpentry. It is interesting how little we all know about one another.
    Find some good pictures for your presentation so the board knows exactly what you are going to build.
    Mrs. Price

  2. Thanks. I am choosing which desk plan I will be using this week so I will be able to show that to the board.
