Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goodbye Proposals

Proposals are over! Now on to the research paper and starting the project. Deforestation is a very broad topic for a research paper and I am working on narrowing my area of focus. Today, I talked to a forester in South Carolina who gave me some advice. I will call the Cradle of Forestry Center in Pisgah again tomorrow since I could not reach them today.
I started work at BRC Designs last Sunday and plan to work some more next week in the mornings.
Dr. Huminski and I have decided on some desk plans to follow. I am very pleased with the choice. The plan is to begin working with him next weekend since it is vital that we start early to avoid a huge time crunch next semester.
Writing Desk

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pic! I can't wait to hear what you begin to learn as you work with Dr. H.
