Thursday, March 3, 2011

Filling in the Middle

I am done with both sides of the desk. They have been glued and clamped together and are now finished. Now, it is time to start filling in the middle. The width of the desk is 30 inches from the inside of each side leg. On Sunday, I worked for three hours on the desk. I cut the backboard to size and adjusted some pieces that had already been made to fit the 30 inch length between the two sides. 
Mrs. Zion came to observe on Sunday as well. She took a lot of pictures so I will begin loading those on my the blog over the next few weeks. It was interesting for me to be able to show what I have been doing for the past five months. By showing her, I was able to see the incredible amount that I have learned in this time and the amount that I have been able to accomplish so far. 

1 comment:

  1. It was amazing to see how much you have learned in a relatively short period of time! It has been quite an advantage to work in a shop as complete as Mr. Huminski's.
